10 Actors Who Reclaimed Some Dignity In 2017

1. Mel Gibson

Blade Runner 2049 Jared Leto
SND Films

Where It All Went Wrong: Uh, where to begin?

The Redeeming Movie(s): Blood Father, Hacksaw Ridge

After years of bizarre stories from his personal life threatened to ruin his career, Mel Gibson has attempted to rebuild his relationship with Hollywood - and in 2017 the man who brought us Braveheart might have managed to claw back some remnants of his dignity by way of two successful movie ventures (whether that's a good thing or not comes down to a matter of personal opinion, of course).

The first notable film is Blood Father, the sort of unashamed B-movie that only Gibson seems capable of pulling off these days; it's a fun, intense and gripping ride, and Gibson offers up a candid performance as a former convict and alcoholic who goes on a rampage against a band of drug dealers targeting his teenage daughter. If it's supposed to be a comment on Gibson's personal battles, then it's well-timed.

Then came Hacksaw Ridge (which was released in the UK this year), with Gibson behind the camera. A harrowing adaptation of a true story about a conscientious objector in World War II (played by Andrew Garfield), the film is further proof that - despite his personal problems - Gibson is a gifted filmmaker at heart. Hacksaw Ridge was nominated for six Oscars, a gesture which - on behalf of the Academy - appears to suggest the man has been welcomed back into Hollywood.

If Mel has indeed managed to reclaim some respect and dignity in 2017, his attempts to keep his personal and professional lives separate have paid off; not to forget that Gibson has apologised for his past behaviour, and allowed himself to be ripped and poked in public. It is, at the very least, a step in the right direction.

Which other actors do you think reclaimed their dignity in 2017? Let us know down in the comments.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.