10 Actors Who Reclaimed Some Dignity In 2017

4. Alicia Silverstone

Blade Runner 2049 Jared Leto

Where It All Went Wrong: Ass Backwards, Jungle Shuffle

The Redeeming Movie(s): Catfight, The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Silverstone has a curious relationship with Hollywood, in the sense that she hasn't really been in that much since the days of Clueless, and instead has settled for popping up now and again in critical bombs or as a voice actor in, yes, more critical bombs. But just when you thought her to be down and out, she chooses 2017 to stage a kind of unexpected comeback, restoring some career-based dignity.

It seems that Silverstone has decided to go "weird," in the sense that she appeared in two very weird films this year: Catfight and The Killing of a Sacred Deer.

In the first film, which chronicles the on-going war between two middle-aged women, Silverstone plays the alluring girlfriend to Anne Heche's strained artist, but it's in the latter film - which also features Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman - that the actor really shines as a somewhat demented mother with a bizarre taste for sucking on people's fingers (no, it's not the sort of film to attend on a first date). The resulting scene has to be one of the most awkwardly memorable of 2017.

These small but interesting roles have given Silverstone's career a boost that is sure to help her back to the forefront, not to mention some dignity after having to provide the voice of a coati for a terrible South Korean animated flop.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.