10 Actors Who Refused To Die On Screen

9. Steven Seagal - Executive Decision

Sean Bean
Warner Bros.

Without question the most shocking moment in the 1996 actioner Executive Decision is the premature death of Special Forces Lt. Colonel Austin Travis (Steven Seagal), who being played by a red-hot Steven Seagal - at the time, that is - unexpectedly gets mere minutes of screen time before dying a sacrificial death.

Seagal's co-star John Leguizamo has spoken extensively about Seagal's allegedly unprofessional behaviour on the set, and revealed that Seagal was extremely unhappy about dying in the film, enough that he even spent several days refusing to shoot his cinematic demise.

Seagal, who hadn't died in a major movie at that point in his career, reportedly locked himself in his trailer and wouldn't come out, with Leguizamo claiming he even insisted that the scene be re-written to make his character more heroic and, crucially, not die.

Seagal's actions apparently held up filming for several days, and it wasn't until director Stuart Baird brought up Seagal facing legal action for breaching his contract that he finally agreed to shoot the scene as written.

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Sean Bean
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.