10 Actors Who Refused To Play Themselves On Screen

6. Mike Myers - Shrek

Usual Suspects
DreamWorks Pictures

Much of the Shrek franchise's success can be pinned on Mike Myers' terrific vocal performance as the titular ogre, affecting a lyrical Scottish twang which distinguishes him from every other animated hero in Hollywood.

But Myers only stepped into the role after the death of Chris Farley, who had recorded most but not all of the necessary dialogue prior to his passing.

After completing his initial voice sessions in his native Canadian accent, Myers felt that it didn't really suit the character, and begged producer Jeffrey Katzenberg to let him re-record his dialogue in a Scottish accent instead. Myers said:

"It was weird...It took a few times for me to get the voice right. I first tried it in a sort of Canadian accent, but it just didn't connect, and, because fairytales are a European thing and ogres are more earthy, the Scottish accent just felt right."

Katzenberg wasn't too pleased about the change given that roughly one-third of the film had already been animated, but he ultimately agreed, causing an extra $4 million in costs as the existing mouth movements were re-animated to fit the new accent.

The rest, as they say, is history, cementing Shrek as an instantly iconic character discernible by his singular vocal register alone.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.