10 Actors Who Refused To Play Themselves On Screen

3. Benedict Cumberbatch - Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie

Usual Suspects

In this case we can take the topic title a little more literally, as Benedict Cumberbatch genuinely turned down an offer to play himself in 2016's Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie.

The big-screen continuation of the hit TV show was jam-packed with cameos, including the likes of Jon Hamm, Joan Collins, Graham Norton, Dawn French, and Cara Delevingne to name just a few.

The production was also hoping to rope Cumberbatch in for a quick appearance as himself, but as star Joanna Lumley confirmed on the eve of the film's release, he ultimately rejected the offer due to his ever-busy schedule. Lumley jokingly remarked:

"Our director is trying to lock down the casting of cameo roles between takes and sometimes I have to sit with her in a nice chair, eating a delicious Brie baguette, and throwing out names like 'Benedict Cumberbatch'... Although Benedict Cumberbatch, it turns out, is busy for the next five and a half years. What is it with actors?"

As hilarious as a Cumberbatch cameo would've been, a consolation prize was nevertheless on offer: the actor's mother, veteran actress Wanda Ventham, did herself make a small cameo appearance in the film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.