10 Actors Who Refused To Use CGI

5. Anthony Daniels Didn't Trust CGI After "Awful" Star Wars Prequels 

The Mare of Easttown

One of the key things that still sets the Original Trilogy of Star Wars features apart from the less-adored Prequels is that first round of movies' decision to go as practical as humanly possible when it pertained to the various creatures and robots on show throughout.

Sure, this was mostly down to the fact that the technology wasn't there to craft a character completely on a computer screen at that time, but the likes of R2-D2 and C-3PO being visually realised by genuinely throwing a person inside the charismatic droids undoubtedly helped immortalise both personalities.

Anthony Daniels, the star locked inside of the trusty communications expert, clearly also felt this was the case as when he was initially asked to simply return to the role in a vocal capacity for J.J. Abrams Sequel-starting The Force Awakens, the star simply confessed, “There’s no way I would just do the voice.”

Despite still appearing in the Prequels, Daniels was largely replaced by a CGI Threepio for action sequences, something he eventually classed as an "awful" decision. Thankfully, JJ was all for getting Daniels back in the suit, saving us from any further digitally assembled battle droid/3PO mash-ups in the process.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...