10 Actors Who Ruin Any Film They're In

1. Literally Any Musician

Snoop Dogg Shooting Gif
Bad Boy Records

Whether it's a leading role or a quick cameo, it's a truth universally acknowledged that musicians can't act to save their lives. Blink 182 in American Pie, Bowie in Zoolander, Snoop Dogg in Starsky & Hutch, Alanis Morissette in Dogma, Keith Richards in Pirates 3, or Madonna in absolutely everything Madonna has ever been in - either they're there to parody themselves in a way that makes you cringe, or they're flailing around like a caught fish trying to make serious inroads into acting.

Atop this mountain of woeful ineptitude sits Jack White for his cameo as Elvis in Walk Hard, and deranged Neverland Ranch-era Michael Jackson in one of the Men In Black films. The irony of the title likely completely lost on him at the time. Special mentions must go to Marilyn Manson in Party Monster, in which he actually got some decent screen-time as a drag queen, and Gwen Stefani in The Aviator.

Performing arts always seem like such a natural crossover, and it's still a little surprising that musicians who can manufacture such a persona on stage can fail so woefully to read out a few lines convincingly. Of course the only thing worse than a musician trying to act, is an actor trying to sing. And the only thing that's worse than the two of these combined, is Jared Leto.

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