10 Actors Who Scared Themselves

8. Michael B. Jordan Needed Therapy After Method Acting As Killmonger - Black Panther

Face Off
Marvel Studios

As this list will go on to prove, it's not that uncommon for actors playing traumatic or difficult roles to seek some sort of counselling or therapy afterwards, though perhaps few would expect such measures for a superhero movie of all things.

But Black Panther was no regular comic book film, and villain Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) was certainly no regular supervillain, enough that actor Michael B. Jordan had to seek professional guidance to disengage from the character following the shoot. He said:

"I went to therapy, I started talking to people, starting unpacking a little bit... I was by myself, isolating myself. I spent a lot of time alone. I figured Erik, his childhood growing up was pretty lonely. He didn't have a lot of people he could talk to about this place called Wakanda that didn't exist.
I didn't have an escape plan... When it was all over, I think just being in that kind of mind state… it caught up with me. It was a little tough for me at first. Readjusting to people caring about me, getting that love that I shut out. I shut out love, I didn't want love. I wanted to be in this lonely place as long as I could.
Your mind is so powerful. Your mind will get your body past a threshold that it would have given up on way before. Honestly, therapy, just talking to somebody just helped me out a lot. As a man you get a lot of slack for it… I don't really subscribe to that. Everyone needs to unpack and talk."

Personal toll aside, Jordan delivered one of the most compelling villains and best performances in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe to date, and given the very dark, very real places the character goes, it's little surprise that he put himself into a fearful state from which he needed help leaving.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.