10 Actors Who Secretly Played Three Characters In The Same Film

8. Mike Myers - Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Suspiria Tilda Swinton
New Line Cinema

There are few greater cinematic masters of disguise than Mike Myers, a claim he proved beyond any and all compare throughout the Austin Powers franchise.

In the original film he already assumed two roles, playing both British spy Austin and his Blofeld-inspired arch-nemesis Dr. Evil.

Though you might assume that Myers simply wore a bald cap to play the parody villain, he actually went to the effort of shaving his head for real, feeling that bald caps look too artificial and distracting on screen.

This meant that he ended up shooting all of his Austin scenes first and then going back to fill in the gaps as Dr. Evil.

And because that seemingly wasn't enough work for the guy who also wrote the film, Myers one-upped himself in the hilariously-monikered sequel, The Spy Who Shagged Me.

In addition to playing Austin and Dr. Evil, Myers also assumed the third and decidedly more technically challenging persona of Fat Bastard, a wildly overweight Scottish assassin, requiring Myers to wear both a fat suit and complex facial prosthetics.

Myers absolutely disappears into the part, aided by his spot-on delivery of a thick Scottish twang. For the production's efforts, the film received an Oscar nomination for Best Makeup.

For the third film, Goldmember, Myers once again outdid himself, adding a fourth character into the mix as he also played the titular Goldfinger-spoofing baddie, a balding Dutchman.

If a fourth Austin Powers movie ever does happen, Myers will have a major task on his hands tying to top his prior transformations.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.