10 Actors Who Somehow Haven’t Got A Movie In IMDb's Top 250

7. Daniel Craig

Flight Denzel Washington

Joining his fellow 007 alumni on this unexpected gathering of talented souls clearly not seen as brilliant enough to warrant Top 250 fame, the current (or at least for a little while longer) James Bond himself still hasn't produced a performance in a feature worthy of joining the IMDb elite.

Now, that's not to say that Daniel Craig hasn't appeared in his fair share of eye-catching and compelling features outside of his suit-wearing, martini-drinking days as the MI6 agent. In recent times, Craig has led the thrilling modern day "whodunnit" that was Knives Out, and shone in everything from Road to Perdition to Munich. But the Golden Globe-nominated blonde Bond-shell's closest dance with the 250 came once again with his first showing as the famous secret agent, with Casino Royale scoring a cool 8.0 rating overall.

Will No Time to Die be both a triumphant last hurrah and possibly even the 250-breaking moment for one of Britain's leading lights? We've waited long enough to find out, but you wouldn't bet again Craig serving up more than a few new IMDb darlings in the coming years.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...