10 Actors Who Stole Movies In A Single Scene

4. Ana De Armas - No Time To Die

Glengarry Glen Ross Alec Baldwin

Much as Bond "girls" so often end up feeling like tacked-on afterthoughts without much agency of their own, Ana de Armas' performance as CIA agent Paloma was pure, laser-focused dynamite.

De Armas only appears in the film for around 10 minutes, meeting up with Bond (Daniel Craig) in Cuba to help track down a scientist captured by Spectre.

Yet from the moment we meet Paloma, it's clear that she's not one of 007's typical female sidekicks - she's nervous, genuinely hilarious, and doesn't have any interest in a romantic tryst with Bond.

Oh, and she kicks a shedload of ass in the ensuing action sequence - while rocking a plunging cocktail dress and heels no less - before congratulating Bond on a job well done and going on her merry way.

Though it would've been great to see de Armas return later in the movie, she absolutely made the most of what she was given, enough that many will be hoping to see her return in the next iteration of Bond - perhaps even under the codename "Felix."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.