10 Actors Who Totally Blew Star Wars Auditions

8. Alan Rickman

Glen Powell Solo a Star Wars Story
20th Century Fox

Believe it or not, the late, great Alan Rickman was indeed up for a role in Return of the Jedi - a whole five years before he finally made his screen debut as Hans Gruber in Die Hard.

J.W. Rinzler's fantastic book "The Making of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" details that Rickman auditioned for Moff Jerjerrod, the commanding officer of the second Death Star - a part that ultimately went to Michael Pennington.

Though Rickman himself never spoke publicly about trying out for Star Wars during his lifetime, the book reveals that he auditioned for Jerjerrod with a "big, slow, low voice," which evidently didn't go down well with the film's casting team.

While it's easy to picture Rickman suited up in the role, it's tougher to imagine quite what he was going for with the voice. Thankfully everything worked out for Rickman in the end, though - he just had to wait a little longer for his big break.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.