10 Actors Who Turned Down Iconic Roles For Stupid Reasons

5. James Purefoy Hated Wearing The Mask - V (For V Vendetta)

James Purefoy Rome V For Vendetta
HBO & Warner Bros.

The Role

The titular anarchist terrorist, whose face is obscured under a mask for the entirety of the movie, identifiable only by his voice.

James Purefoy wasn't only offered the role of V, he actually initially accepted it and got as far as spending six weeks filming before being replaced by Hugo Weaving, with a few of his physical scenes even included in the final cut and re-dubbed by Weaving.

Why He Turned It Down

There are several differing perspectives on exactly what went down, though by far the most persistently cited story is that Purefoy quit the role due to discomfort over wearing a mask for the entirety of the shoot.

In an interview prior to leaving the film, the actor said, "That mask is the thing I'll be wearing through the movie. We'll never see my face. It's a great acting challenge. Wearing that thing takes...a lot of takes."

Weaving himself added, "I know the difficulties James was having and I was warned by other people. Certain difficulties with the mask. I just think it can feel very hot. You feel quite...cut off."

Though Purefoy has himself claimed "creative differences" was the reason, that seems to be an explanation suggested only by himself.

One can certainly sympathise with the physical challenge of shooting in a mask for 14 hours per day, but in quitting the part, he gave up what would've easily been the most iconic role of his entire career.

But on the other hand, Weaving absolutely knocked it out of the park, so it clearly turned out a happy accident.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.