10 Actors Who Turned Down Movie Roles Because Of Spite

3. Kirk Douglas Wanted To Play The Hero (Not The Villain) - Ben-Hur

Robin Williams Jim Carrey Riddler
Universal & MGM

Here's a great example of an actor taking their ball and going home that actually benefitted everyone involved - the actors themselves, the studio, and even the viewing audience.

Kirk Douglas was originally offered the role of Ben-Hur's antagonist Messala, but turned it down on the basis that he wanted to play Judah Ben-Hur himself rather than a "second-rate baddie."

But the title role had already been offered to Charlton Heston, who being almost seven years Douglas' junior was deemed a better fit for the part.

Douglas then turned down the Messala role, which eventually went to Stephen Boyd, who won a Best Supporting Actor Golden Globe for his work.

The kicker, though, is that this really worked out for the best. Douglas' inability to secure the Ben-Hur role motivated him to launch is own epic with Stanley Kubrick, Spartacus, which was itself a massive critical and commercial success.

Because of Douglas' own issues with rejection, audiences ended up with two awesome epics for the price of one, essentially.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.