10 Actors Who Wasted Time On Parts You Never Got To See

2. Uma Thurman - Savages

umathurman Thurman played Blake Lively€™s free spirited O€™s mother in Savages but her role has completely disappeared from the final cut.S tone told HuffPost Entertainment. "She was a good character -- Uma Thurman played her beautifully -- and the scenes were good, but you don't have time, you know? We have one goal in the movie, and you go out that gate and it's like a horse race." Don Winslow€™s Savages adaptation came down to two weed dealers and their kidnapped girlfriend with a lot of scenes not making the cut. Thurman€™s divorcee mother with eight husbands would have perhaps given a nice backstory to how O turned up the wild child she did.
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Bournemouth born journalist, radio DJ and fiction writer. A fan of loud music, quiet films, Doctor Who and trashy TV. Editor at http://dailyactress.tumblr.com/ email me at hillbourne2006@yahoo.co.uk