10 Actors Who Will Ruin 2020 Films

3. Vin Diesel - Bloodshot

Bloodshot Vin Diesel
Sony Pictures Releasing

Let's be honest, Vin Diesel has all the charisma of a cardboard box, and that's the main reason why he's failed to hit it big outside of the Fast and the Furious movies, beyond playing a monosyllabic tree in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that is.

He's serviceable enough as the gruff hero in his bread-and-butter action franchises such as The Fast and the Furious, Riddick, and xXx, but his numerous attempts to further diversify over the years, in the likes of A Man Apart, Babylon A.D., and The Last Witch Hunter, have largely fallen flat.

Superhero action-thriller Bloodshot is his latest attempt to crowbar open a new franchisable IP for himself, but even with acclaimed Valiant Comics source material to draw from, one suspects that without a charismatic ensemble to prop him up, this is probably destined for dud territory.

Diesel is absolutely one of those actors better in a group of more effervescent performers - hence his success in the Fast and the Furious franchise - but when he's pushed to the front line, his weaknesses become painfully, cringe-worthily apparent.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.