10 Actors Who Won Everyone Over With ONE Performance

3. Zac Efron - The Iron Claw

Blade Runner 2049 Dave Bautista

Though Zac Efron successfully ditched his squeaky clean Disney Channel image from the High School Musical days with performances in the likes of The Paperboy, the Bad Neighbours movies, and The Greatest Showman, it wasn't until mere months ago that he finally proved himself a strong dramatic actor beyond any doubt.

Efron changed it all with his starring role in last year's biographical wrestling drama The Iron Claw, where he played Kevin Von Erich, the single surviving son of industry magnate Fritz Von Erich.

Any remaining skepticism about Efron's acting chops were promptly annihilated with a performance that achieved both a mesmerising physical transformation and wrung tremendous emotional impact from the many tragedies suffered by the Von Erichs in decades past.

Efron's performance was raved about enough that he even courted serious Oscar buzz, though it sadly failed to transpire into a Best Actor nomination. 

All the same, it confirmed the extent of Efron's acting talent, and will hopefully open the door for him to pursue more challenging work like this in the future.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.