10 Actors Whose Brilliant Moment Of Improvisation Landed Them The Role

6. Russell Brand - Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Keeping in the vein of impulsive performers, has there ever been another comedian/actor who has been able to follow a stream of consciousness for as long as Russell Brand? It can be almost hypnotic to witness Brand in full flow and his ability to probe/react to any situation he finds himself in, simply forces you to engage with every second he is on your screen.

If you need an example, look no further than his completely improvised discussion when auditioning for the flamboyant rock star, Aldous Snow, in 2008's Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

In the clip, we see Brand absorbing the scenario that he is being immersed in by his director - that of a couples spat on vacation - with a note alluding to passive aggression, assisting Brand in achieving his objective...getting to go horse-back riding.

Immediately inspiring a fit of laughter around the room, Brand began to wax on about how he couldn't understand what his other half was trying to achieve by stretching - "will you not rest until you're 9ft tall?" being a particular moment of genius - and exuded his irrepressible charm in trying to convince his partner to imagine herself riding on the back of a steed.

When you can string together beat after inspired beat like Brand can - plucking dialogue seemingly out of thin air - even thinking about casting any other actor in this kind of role would have been downright insane.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...