10 Actors Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Oscars

2. Kim Basinger

Halle Berry Monster's Ball to Catwoman
Warner Bros.

Kim Basinger was perfectly cast as femme fatale Lynn Bracken in L.A. Confidential, and nailed the role hard enough that she won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 1998.

Basinger's career had begun to wane throughout the mid-1990s - possibly due to her refusal to star in Boxing Helena, resulting in a lawsuit which bankrupted her - but the Oscar seemingly ensured she'd landed firmly back in the A-list.

You certainly wouldn't know it from what followed, though, as Basinger's post-Oscar career is littered with duds, most infamously including I Dreamed of Africa, Bless the Child, While She Was Out, The Informers, Grudge Match, and the latter two entries into the Fifty Shades franchise.

Her only acclaimed projects in the quarter-century since her Oscar win are 8 Mile - which was also directed by L.A. Confidential's Curtis Hanson - 2004's drama The Door in the Floor, and the more recent Shane Black dark comedy The Nice Guys.

Basinger seems to have put her career on the back-burner in recent years, given that she's appeared in just five live-action movies over the last decade. 

She's certainly deserving of far more than she's been given since winning her gong, but it remains to be seen whether a juicy acting part could lure her back into the fold.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.