10 Actors Whose Movies Eerily Foreshadowed Their Real Death

8. Marlon Brando

As a bona fide acting icon and winner of two Academy Awards, Marlon Brando never had to worry about being accused of a lack of talent. Then again, accusations €“ all true €“ about a lack of professionalism were never likely to bother him much either; Brando described his profession as €œchildish€ and €œa bum€™s life€ and was infamous for backing up his beliefs with bizarre on-set behaviour. Brando banked an astonishing $3.7 million plus a hefty percentage of the film€™s profits for less than two weeks€™ work on Superman, but regrettably he failed to convince director Richard Donner that Jor-El should appear on screen as a green suitcase or a bagel. When filming The Score, Frank Oz was forced to shoot his ageing star from the waist up as Brando was usually naked below the belt, and on the set of The Island of Dr Moreau he took to wearing an ice bucket for a hat and had a dwarf he€™d taken a liking to written into the film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IRYpjj2_gw Still, Brando was a rare talent when he felt like proving it, and his roles in On the Waterfront, A Streetcar Named Desire and Apocalypse Now cemented his place as one of the greatest actors who ever lived. His most famous role and arguably best performance came as Vito Corleone in The Godfather, and the Mafia boss€™s death from a heart attack mirrored Brando€™s own demise from congestive heart failure following decades of over-indulgence.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.