Many actors are known for their strong voices - voices that they can change to suit the characters that they are cast as, or voices that are so charismatic and interesting that they can simply get away with using their normal speaking voice for the sum of their careers. Hey, it happens. A voice needs to grab your attention and then keep hold of it, of course. And whilst many of the actors included on this list can sing, many of them can propel themselves in order to hold an entire theatre of people whilst performing on stage. Voices can be trained, but when they are as cool as these, they are often natural, born and then developed into. It also helps if a voice is instantly recognisable, as you don't need to see faces onscreen in order to know who it belongs to. The following list of actors all have voices that the vast majority of us would trade for our own weak voices in a heartbeat (and then never shut up so that we can flaunt our vocal prowess until we cannot physically speak anymore). Without further ado, then, may I present...
Aspiring screenwriter. Film & TV Production BA (Hons) graduate. Currently studying MA Screenwriting at LJMU. Addicted to Breaking Bad and Chinese food.