10 Actors With The Most Movie Deaths

8. Liam Neeson - 24 Fatalities

Sean Bean Deaths
Summit Entertainment

Considering he's the man with a very particular set of skills, you'd think taking on Liam Neeson would be a death wish in itself. Instead however, Neeson has quite the collection of methods for dispatching himself as much as his enemies, managing to get himself killed off 24 times in near 120 movies over his career span as an actor.

Appearing in the flesh as well as in the fur, one memorable death for Neeson comes when Aslan the lion is stabbed upon a stone altar in The Chronicles of Narnia, becoming the embodiment of Christ as he rises again to rip a load of fantasy d*ck heads a new one for his untimely murder.

Whilst he's often taken out in action movies, and by one rogue airstrike in Anchorman, killing Neeson doesn't mean that he can REALLY be stopped to be honest - since he comes back almost as often as he's killed off in the first place.

For proof, see him as a spectre in High Spirits, and as big bad force ghost himself in the Star Wars prequels, too.

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