10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

7. Kevin Costner as Earl Brooks in 'Mr. Brooks'

This is another film role that could easily be dismissed as an actor trying hard to expand their range but you'd be missing out if that's the reason you didn't watch it. Mr Brooks has a solid enough script to make Dane Cook watchable and any script that can do that deserves an award. Costner plays Earl Brooks who is the epitome of a methodical, OCD suffering serial killer which is the reason he's never been caught. However it should be noted that the entire 'killer deal' is not handled by Costner alone as Earl Brooks is schizophrenic and has an alter ego, named Marshall, played by the much more intense William Hurt.

Costner has a natural 'ranch owner' warmth to his manner, voice and his looks but he more than adequately pulls off his role in the film by not going for a cold, violent approach but by concentrating on the methodical and perfectionist nature of Brooks and letting Hurt channel the scary.

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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.