10 Actors You Didn't Know Were Quitting

4. Chris Hemsworth

Brad Pitt Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Marvel Studios

Sitting as the first-ever MCU leading actor to boast a whopping four solo adventures on the big screen, Chris Hemsworth added yet another rather profitable title to his ever-growing list of Thor hits with this year's Love and Thunder.

Coming out of that most recent slice of colourful action, though, the question on most fans' lips centred around whether or not the Australian star would be ready to step back into the Marvel Universe again after his latest whacky outing.

After admitting that he was caught a little off-guard by that fourth godly entry's end credits statement of "THOR WILL RETURN", Hemsworth would ultimately share his feelings in regards to another solo-film appearance as The God of Thunder in the future to Vanity Fair:

"I feel like we'd probably have to close the book if I ever did it again, you know what I mean? I feel like it probably warrants that."

So, if this particular MCU Chris does indeed "RETURN", it looks like he'll be hanging up his godly gear for good shortly after.

The Extraction and Furiosa star has also recently revealed that he'll be temporarily leaving acting behind for a spell, too, noting how, after learning of his heightened risk of developing Alzheimer's on his Limitless show, he's choosing to spend some quality time with his family.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...