10 Actors You Didn't Realise Hated Each Other

5. Russell Crowe & Oliver Reed

24 Freddy Prinze Jr Kiefer Sutherland

The production of Ridley Scott's Best Picture-winning Gladiator was thrown into a tailspin when Oliver Reed, who played the major supporting role of Antonius Proximo, died from a heart attack before all of his scenes had been shot. This resulted in Reed's scenes being completed with the help of a digital double.

Though co-star Russell Crowe kept respectfully quiet for many years after Gladiator's release, he did eventually open up about his acrimonious working relationship with Reed throughout shooting.

"I never got on with Ollie. He has visited me in dreams and asked me to talk kindly of him. So I should... but we never had a pleasant conversation... I have seen him walk down the street in Malta drunk as a lord and just hit anybody he got near to - even a man walking with his children. I just found that to be - not impressive... In the end, he created such a weird energy around him that no one drinking with him cared."

Given that Crowe said they never had a pleasant conversation, it's safe to say that the dislike was mutual.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.