10 Actors You Forgot Were In HUGE Movies

9. Rosamund Pike - Die Another Day

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 Rami Malek

If you haven't watched Pierce Brosnan's final outing as James Bond in quite some time - and honestly, who could blame you? - you may well be unaware that one of the Bond "girls" is played by none other than Rosamund Pike.

A 23-year-old Pike plays Miranda Frost, the chilly undercover MI6 agent who later turns out to be a double agent working for the villainous Gustav Graves (Toby Stephens).

This was in fact Pike's first Hollywood movie role, and though it doesn't get much bigger than a Bond movie, she's taken a hard pivot away from blockbusters over the last decade-or-so, such that it's easy to forget she was ever a Bond girl at all.

Granted, there are worse things than for people to forget you were in one of the worst Bond movies of all time, but it gave her career the necessary leg-up, and allowed her to move on to smaller-but-better things.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.