9. Hugh Jackman - Wolverine (X-Men)
X-Men, Hugh Jackman plays a character called Wolverine, an invincible mutant superhero who goes around slashing people with two sets of adamantium claws that he accesses through his knuckles. There's no reason for me writing that, I just wanted to type it to see how it sounded. Anyway, when you say the word "Wolverine," in this day and age, your brain will probably conjure up an imagine of Hugh Jackman looking badass or something (unless you're a zoologist, then that's fair enough). Jackman has reprised his role as the world's favourite mutant a whole bunch of times since he first nabbed it for
X-Men over a decade ago, though you might be shocked to learn - perfect as he is - that the Australian actor with the voice of Jean Valjean came in as a last minute replacement for actor Doughray Scott. You know Doughray Scott, don't you? He's in that... he's in that thing... you know. You'll kick yourself later, I'm sure. Anyway, due to a scheduling conflict, Scott was forced to pull out of production, and director Bryan Singer cast his eye upon Hugh Jackman, who entered the audition room belting a number from
Les Miserables and refusing to let anybody else speak whilst he sung continuously for almost 10 minutes. It was a bold move, but it totally paid off: Wolverine was born. None of that last bit happened, by the way. Would have been awesome, though.