10 Alien Mistakes Neill Blomkamp Should Totally Erase

3. Any Definitive Ties To Prometheus

Do Prometheus and Alien really need to be a part of the same mega-franchise? After all, Prometheus made a bit of a balls up with regards to its status as an Alien prequel or sequel or spin-off or whatever it was trying to be, given that the plot felt muddled and confusing from start to finish, and its intentions - with regards to the world of Alien, at least - remain fuzzy. In retrospect, it essentially feels like a movie without a plot. Which is another way of saying: Alien 5 shouldn't concern itself to much with the likes of Prometheus, given that Prometheus doesn't seem to understand itself. There have been recent rumours regarding Alien 5 and its ties to the also upcoming Prometheus 2 (still happening), but Blomkamp needs to steer his ship as far away from Ridley Scott's newest sci-fi series as possible. Right now, it's important to - essentially - sever most of the ties. Think about it: Blomkamp already has enough on his plate, after all, what with trying to reshuffle plot elements from the previous Alien flicks into some discernible order without ruining everything all over again; trying to make sure the movie works alongside Prometheus 2 is the least of his worries. Leave the Engineers and Space Jockeys out of it!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.