10 Alternate Endings That Almost Ruined Classic Horror Movies
1. Get Out

The Proper Ending: After
our hero Chris has killed most of the awful Armitage family, he’s grappling
with a gunshot Rose when we see a police car rock up to the scene. Being a
racist harpy, Rose plays the helpless white woman card and we assume that the
scene will go down the way a lot of similar situations seem to go down in
America – with the wrongful arrest of a black man.
But then writer-director Jordan Peele pulls the best cinematic switcheroo in recent history revealing that the driver of the car is actually Chris’s best friend Rod. The brilliantly subversive scene ends with Chris and Rod driving away as Rose succumbs to her injuries.
The Awful Alternate Ending: The alternate ending played out much the way the audience expects it to with two police officers emerging from the car and arresting Chris. We then see Chris in a prison jumpsuit doing time for the ‘murder’ of the Armitage family while Rod visits him to try and find out what went down with Chris simply replying “I’m good. I stopped it.”
A finale of this nature would’ve drastically changed the tone of Get Out but luckily for us the alternative didn’t prove very popular so Peele went with his more upbeat, subversive finale and gave us a befitting ending to the best horror movie of 2017.