10 Alternate Endings To 2019 Movies You Almost Saw

3. Louis’ Grim Choice - Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary Ending

The Ending We Got

At the end of this Stephen King adaptation, we saw the tragic Ellie reanimated after death but reborn as a murderous animal who fatally stabs her mother, much to her father, Louis' dismay.

Intent on having her mother join her in evil, Ellie knocks her father out and drags her to the Pet Sematary, where she ends up fighting her father. And just as he's about to kill her, Louis is himself killed by the now reanimated corpse of his wife. He's then buried too and comes back alive and the trio head to find their son to kill and revive him too. A happy ending, this is not.

The Ending We Almost Saw

In the alternate ending that was released as part of the blu-ray, Louis spares Ellie instead of killing her and decides he cannot live without his wife, burying her - while she's still alive - so they can be together forever. He CHOOSES the evil for them all wilfully.

We then see Louis retrieving Gage and taking him for a grim reunion with his dead mother as he cries. Here's how that ending would have started...


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