10 Alternate Endings To 2021 Movies You Almost Saw

6. The Eternals' Memories Get Wiped - Eternals

The Suicide Squad Ratcatcher 2
Marvel Studios

Eternals ends with the titular superheroes forming the Uni-Mind and preventing the gestating Celestial Tiamut from emerging out of the Earth's core, in turn saving the planet from destruction.

The surviving Eternals then split themselves between Earth and their spaceship the Domo to seek out other Eternals, before the Celestial Arishem emerges and kidnaps Sersi (Gemma Chan), Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani), and Phastos (Brian Tyree Henry), pulling them into space.

He expresses frustration that they prevented Tiamut's birth, but considers sparing humanity if their memories demonstrate Earth worthy of being saved.

For all of the film's flaws it's an interesting ending that teases future adventures, though ChloƩ Zhao's original ending was decidedly bleaker:

"It used to end with everybody back on the ship, minds erased, and just going on to another planet, like Twilight Zone... I didn't hate it, because I'm used to films that are more melancholy. But I don't think it went down well with audiences... I remember when it goes to black, everyone was like, 'I don't know what to do.' It's the MCU, and you want to be excited for what's next."

From Zhao's words it sounds like this ending was actually shot and test-screened, but given that it would've effectively wiped the slate clean by erasing the Eternals' memories of this pivotal adventure, it risked making the entire movie feel like a bit of a non-event.

She definitely made the right call changing things here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.