10 Amazing Death Scenes Wasted In Terrible Horror Movies

9. Head Exploded By Tire - Rubber

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Rubber, more than any other entry on this list, seems deeply, almost uncomfortably, aware of the fact that it is bad. The whole thing feels like the schlocky horror movie equivalent to Jean-Luc Godard's King Lear - a gigantic middle finger both to everyone who thought this turkey was a good idea, as well as anyone who paid money to see it. Fittingly, both movies also share the same level of quality: not very good.

But unlike Godard's King Lear, Rubber has a tire that telekinetically explodes people's heads. So I think it's safe to say which is the superior picture.

The tire at the center of the mayhem dispatches a lot of people this way, but the last one is by far the funniest. After seemingly finally being rid of the thing by distracting it with Nascar and then shooting it with a shotgun, the tire - to quote the final victim of the movie - is "reincarnated as a tricycle".

Now that he's three tires instead of one, naturally, this means he's unstoppable, which he proves by promptly exploding the old man and riding off. The film ends almost immediately afterward, which was the correct move. No other note would have been appropriate for this strange, strange little movie.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?