10 Amazing Details You Missed In MCU Movies

3. Romanoff Reacts To Stark V Rhodey - Iron Man 2

Captain America The First Avenger dancing monkey

Before Iron Man 2 came out, the fact that Scarlett Johansson was playing Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow was common knowledge, but to the characters in the film, she was just Natalie Rushman, Tony Stark's new assistant.

So, even though we knew her true identity, the filmmakers still had to inject subtle nods and clues into the story, quick moments that would briefly break Rushman's cover and reveal the Black Widow underneath.

And this is one such blink-and-you'll miss it moment.

During the fight scene between Tony and Rhodey that takes place shortly after the house party in Malibu, Pepper starts to blame Natalie for Tony's erratic behaviour as of late, but she's interrupted when Tony and Rhodey - both in Iron Man armour - crash through the floor.

Pepper, who isn't a skilled hand-to-hand fighter or undercover assassin, flails around wildly in response, but Natalie, who is, instinctively strikes a combat-ready pose in order to repel any immediate danger.

Of course, there is no immediate danger, but the assassin within Natalie just couldn't help but be alert and ready to fight.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.