10 Amazing Movie Scenes That Came Totally Out Of Nowhere

5. The Spider - Enemy

Burn After Reading Brad Pitt

The shocking ending to Denis Villeneuve's Enemy is proof perfect that a scene can be tremendously effective even if you don't completely understand it.

The film, in which a man, Adam (Jake Gyllenhaal), chases down his own doppelganger, concludes in a most mind-melting fashion, when Adam goes into his bedroom to talk to his wife Helen (Sarah Gadon), only to find a gigantic tarantula curled up in the back corner of the room. The End.

Even with the abundance of spider-like imagery throughout the film, this ending comes as a massive surprise to viewers, given that it represents such a surreal break with the comparative "reality" of the rest of the movie.

Yet it's also a brilliant cinematic scare that doesn't need to rely on loud tension chords, because the visceral quality of the image is so innately terrifying to most people.

Enemy is a great movie overall, and viewers have a bevy of interpretations for the ending's true meaning, but wherever you land, it's a terrific closing image that nobody saw coming.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.