10 Amazing Movies Nobody Knows About

7. The Woodsman

Europa Report
Newmarket Films

Though it isn't difficult to deduce why this brilliant Kevin Bacon-starring drama wasn't exactly a multiplex hit, it's nevertheless a laudably bold and provocative meditation on a deeply disturbing subject.

In The Woodsman, Bacon stars as Walter, a convicted child molester who returns home after 12 years in prison and attempts to start his life anew.

Naturally many simply aren't interested in watching a movie from the point of view of someone who has committed such horrible acts, but such is the very point of the movie - are you able to sympathise with this man?

And despite this enormous emotional hurdle for audiences, Kevin Bacon's Oscar-worthy performance ensures the film largely succeeds, lending humanity to a person who would be keenly dehumanised as a "monster" by most.

To be clear, this is certainly a deeply uncomfortable and squirm-inducing film at times, and one that probably wouldn't get made in 2023.

It's not a film you'll want to watch often, if even more than once, but it is an exceptionally brave character study with a magnificent lead performance from Bacon.

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Europa Report
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.