10 Amazing Movies Nobody Knows About

5. Europa Report

Europa Report
Magnolia Pictures

Audiences often decry the lack of truly imaginative sci-fi fare out there, but then, did anyone show up to support Europa Report when it came out a whole decade ago?

A rare sci-fi outing produced for just $10 million, Europa Report cannily adopts the found footage format to document humanity's first crewed mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, where they intend to seek out sources of life.

It's a tricky concept to pull off with such little money, yet director Sebastián Cordero evidently makes every penny count, delivering an impressively stylish, tense, and ultimately terrifying piece of work.

Aided by thoroughly plausible performances from its cast and a subdued, naturalistic tone, this a found footage film which keeps its feet on the ground for the most part, and in turn proves all the more unnerving as a result.

As a testament to the pulse-quickening fear of the unknown beyond the bounds of Earth, this is compulsively effective.

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Europa Report
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.