10 Amazing Movies That Are Total Nonsense
4. Holy Motors

Once again proving that creativity will trump basic narrative sense every single time, Leos Carax's surrealist fantasy drama Holy Motors is an unhinged hoot, no matter that you'll struggle to make true head or tail of it.
This is less a single story than a wacky assemblage of vignettes centered around a mysterious man, Mr. Oscar (Denis Lavant), who spends his day performing various acting "assignments." These assignments range from putting on a motion capture suit and performing on an empty sound stage, to dressing up as a red-haired loon named Monsieur Merde and kidnapping Eva Mendes - yes, you read that right - and even playing a man whose family are chimpanzees.
"Why the hell not?" seems to be Carax's sole modus operandi, and though this is close to impenetrable if you require precise meaning from the movies you watch, it's also extremely engaging, hella weird, and darkly hilarious from start to finish.