10 Amazing Supporting Characters You Wish Movies Were Centred On

9. Hit-Girl - Kick-Ass 2

Godzilla 2014 Bryan Cranston
Universal Pictures

Kick-Ass is a fun comic book romp from the days before the genre became oversaturated and superhero fatigue set in. Three years later the sequel released and saw a huge dip in critical reception, and though there were many reasons for this, one of the most prominent was the underutilisation of Chloe GracĂ« Moretz's Hit-Girl.

The foul-mouthed adolescent hero was easily the best part of the first movie and completely stole the show from Aaron Taylor-Johnson's titular character, and the same could be said for the opening moments of Kick-Ass 2. However, before too long Mindy McCready was relegated to what only can be described as a truly awful high school drama sub-plot.

While Kick-Ass, real name Dave Lizewski, was fighting with his new team, Justice Forever, Hit-Girl was trying to make it as a normal girl among the popular crowd at school, when instead she should have been the main focus of the film. She was the far stronger character, while Kick-Ass' arc in the movie felt like it was just being told for the sake of it.

The opening minutes of the sequel showed Mindy take Dave under her wing and attempt to bring him up to her level in the crime-fighting world. This should have been the entire thing, with Kick-Ass being the Robin to Hit-Girl's Batman, with no high school spats in sight.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.