3. The Violent Film That Kevin Watches Was Created Purposely For The Movie - Home Alone
As I kid, I always found myself wondering where I could get a copy of the movie that Kevin watches when his parents accidently abandon him in Home Alone - if you've seen the Home Alone, you'll know the one I'm talking about. An old black and white noir movie, featuring the memorable line "Keep the change, you filthy animal," which acts a precursor to a Tommy Gun massacre. The movie looks real enough, but some might be shocked to learn it's actually completely fake. Yes, "Angels With Filthy Souls" (a play on the real movie "Angels With Dirty Faces," which starred James Cagney) was shot entirely for the purposes of featuring in this brief scene. What's weird is that the filmmakers could easily have had Kevin watching a real movie instead, but opted to spend time and effort conjuring up a fake one (one that did a pretty great job as passing itself off as legitimate). It's a nice detail, given that most people don't usually realise it's fake - especially younger viewers.