10 Ambiguous Movie Endings That Had Ridiculously Simple Solutions

9. Lost In Translation


The Ambiguous Ending: What did Bill Murray whisper to Scarlett Johanssen?

As talented as she may be, there€™s no hiding the fact that Sofia Coppola is only a director because of her father. It€™s a good thing her directing career kicked off as assured as it did then. Following from the already well received The Virgin Suicides, Coppola€™s second film brought the house down and marked her as one to watch (well, we€™re allowed to be wrong now and again). The brilliant film has one of the most talked about endings for an arthouse. After becoming close friends with Scarlett Johansson's young Charlotte against the alien backdrop of Tokyo, Bill Murray€™s Bob is returning to the US, but not before he stops her in the street and whispers something in her ear. What exactly, the audience can€™t make out.

The Simple Solution: It's in the movie (if you use computers).

Technically there€™s no answer; it was never scripted what Bob would whisper. But on set, Coppola let Murray improvise a potential line, which, through all the street noise, actually did make its way into the film. One intrepid fan messed around with the sound until you can sort of hear what€™s being said.

So what exactly did he say? €œI have to be leaving, but I won€™t let that come between us, okay?€ Which in all honesty just opens up questions towards their relationship in the future. Of all the solutions on the list, this is the only one I didn't want to know.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.