10 Animated Movies That The Next Generation Will Likely Miss

5. All Dogs Go To Heaven (1989)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUQ-jmJcWN8 I would like to start off by saying, apart from the animation, I don€™t think this movie was a really good choice for kids. Look up any plot summary for this movie and you€™ll know what I mean. A gambling kingpin of a dog named Charlie is murdered and goes to heaven, but he throws it away to get revenge on his killer, knowing that if he takes the chance to go back to the living, he will be damned to hell. Yes, this is our hero. He then meets an orphan who can talk to animals, who he uses to help him gamble some more. What ensues is absolutely epic, don€™t get me wrong. If it weren€™t a cartoon about a dog, it would be a rated R comedy starring Jonah Hill or Seth Rogan or whomever Judd Apatow is favoring at the time. However, if Burt Reynolds didn€™t do the voice for the vengeful, gambling, damned dog, this may not have been the epic adventure it was. No matter how popular this film is now, it too will be buried underneath Disney classics and new Disney/Pixar creations that cover then same issues in a prettier way. This is what I€™m talking about, actually. If you haven€™t thought about All Dogs Go To Heaven in ten years, chances are you don€™t own this movie and yet you can never think about a Disney cartoon as long as you live, but I guarantee there are at least three in your home (unless you are an anti-Disney consumer).
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I am a college graduate of Penn State with two bachelors in the arts. When I'm not writing or performing, I am an SFX make-up artist for local up and coming films in the Houston area. I love horror movies, James Spader, and will watch anything suggested to me.