10 Announced Movie Sequels That Shouldn't Happen
9. Dodgeball 2
Back in 2023, it was announced that a sequel to hit 2004 comedy Dodgeball was now in the works, with Vince Vaughn set to star. Yet given how much time has passed since the original, and the wonky track record of belated comedy sequels, it's tough not to ask, "Why?"
Even if you consider Hollywood's craven love of money, is there really an audience out there prepared to leave their house for a 20-years-later Dodgeball sequel? Especially one that might not co-star Ben Stiller?
It feels like the time passed for Dodgeball 2 many years ago, and if 20th Century Studios really wanted this, the time was probably around 2007. Dodgeball is a perfect singular entity of a movie that just doesn't warrant a follow-up in any way.
That said, bringing Lance Armstrong back for another cameo has some hilarious potential, at least.