10 Annoying Movie Tropes You Can't Un-See

9. Asking For "A Beer" At Any Bar

It seems that film protagonists across the land have a boss-level unspoken bond with the bartender of every establishment they happen upon. They can walk in, sit down, ask for 'a beer' and get it. Just like that, no questions asked. In fact, sometimes they don't even have to ask for it!

Never mind brand, pint or bottle, price, or requesting some form of payment, the bartender instantly knows exactly what they want and is there to deliver it in seconds, without interrupting the leads' riveting dialogue or score-heavy moment of deep contemplation.

Not only that, but one time in ten the barman will even slide the beer down the bar - and you can triple those odds if it's a western.

This trope likes to show up in basically any urban action film where the hero needs to look tough, or alcoholic; but it also makes an appearance in musicals, serious dramas and even Star Wars.

Jedi mind-tricks aside, Obi-Wan must be the barman's cousin.


Writer, editor, trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.