10 Annoying Ways Movies Always Get Real Life Wrong

1. Pretty Much Everything To Do With Driving

Drive movie
Film District

While cinema has done an impeccable job creating some of the most iconic vehicles in all of pop-culture, it's all but sacrificed the actual reality of what it's like to drive and own a car. Because yeah, in movies everyone drives a vehicle that looks perfect photographed against a sunset - and even the old clunkers have a certain charm to them - but no one seems to really care about them, because they never bother to lock their doors.

In film after film audiences see characters pull up, dash out their car and just leave it parked there, unlocked and open to whatever chancer may happen to pass by.

Hell, sometimes they don't even bother to shut the bloody thing at all. This is on top of plenty of other real-life driving no-nos as well, including never wearing a seatbelt, barely looking at the road and constantly calling people on phones or wolfing down three-course meals while on the highway.

We all want to look as good driving a car as Ryan Gosling does, but between leaving his doors unlocked, never looking where he's going, and refusing to wear a seatbelt, it wouldn't be the car chases or bullets that killed you if you tried to be just like him - it'd be yourself.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3