10 Apocalypse Horrors That Broke All The Rules
1. In The Mouth Of Madness

This film introduces a concept for world-annihilation that we’re fairly sure you’ve never come across before: an evil book that turns readers mad, and an author that wants to wipe out humanity by publishing it.
Protagonist John Trent starts off the movie by telling us a story about how he was attacked by a madman. The man came at him with an axe after having been driven crazy by a book he read, the book being the latest manuscript from the author Sutter Crane, of whom he was the agent.
Trent is hired by a publishing agency to find Crane after he goes missing, not believing their stories about how Crane’s books can drive people mad. It turns out that’s not all his books can do!
It is certainly a fresh take on the end of the world, and is the third instalment in John Carpenter’s aptly named ‘Apocalypse Trilogy’. What we learn from this is to never read the book - always just skip to the movie first.