10 Apocalypse Horrors That Broke All The Rules

9. A Quiet Place

one cut of the dead
Paramount Pictures

We’re familiar with the tension of needing to keep quiet in apocalypse horrors, usually so as to avoid attracting the attention of zombies or rogue groups of bandits. A Quiet Place took this not just a step but a leap further, introducing us into a world where you must stay absolutely silent in order to survive.

Hunted by beasts who track based on sound, the Abbott family have adapted their lives to minimise any sound they make. They interact using sign language, take their shoes off when walking, and prepare as much sound-proofing as they can for pregnant mother Evelyn’s coming labour.

With so little dialogue and sparing use of sound in general, A Quiet Place faced the challenge of keeping us engaged with next to no auditory engagement. It’s tense in any movie, not being able to cry out in pain if something happens - but in a world where even the smallest yell or, at times, a particularly loud gasp can get you ganked the stakes are infinitely higher.

It’s a well-loved, award-winning film that we are eagerly awaiting the sequel to, and there is good reason for our excitement and support!

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