10 Asylum Releases And The Films They Shamelessly Ripped Off

The mad world of Asylum Films.

Avengers Grimm
The Asylum

The Asylum Company can be looked at in two ways. It's either a fun B-Movie Studio, ingeniously hitching a ride on the back of big blockbuster's promotional campaigns to sell their films. Or it's a shameless rip off studio, using dubious and devilish practices to trick you into watching their films by mistake.

Whatever you think of them, it's worth noting they haven't made a loss on any of their films to date. Aso, they made Sharknado, so that's a win in anyone's book.

But looking back at some of their movies, it's very clear that they've used some cheeky tactics to market their own releases using someone else's work entirely...

10. Black Summer - The Walking Dead

Avengers Grimm
The Asylum Company / A.M.C

It’s not just movies that The Asylum target, nothing is safe from them, as the Netflix show ‘Black Summer’ proves. In this case, we have AMC’s The Walking Dead, but instead of Rick Grimes, we have Rose.

Kicking off the first season of Black Summer, we follow Rose, as she searches for her lost daughter, banding together with a group of strangers to survive. Anything starting to sound a little familiar yet?

It's still an entertaining series so far, it’s just already been done a lot better with 'The Walking Dead' and to a lesser extent with, 'Fear the Walking Dead'.


A huge fan of horror, Warhammer 40k, Folk Music, B Movies, gaming and Star Trek, so a massive geek really! I also have seven dogs, who I love to bits.