10 Asylum Releases And The Films They Shamelessly Ripped Off

8. Atlantic Rim: Resurrection - Pacific Rim: Uprising

Avengers Grimm
The Asylum Company / Clear Angle Studios

It’s not only blockbusters that are fair game when it comes to The Asylum, shameless Hollywood cash grabs are also victims of their tactics.

Ignoring the below par effects and the scenery chewing acting (We're talking about Resurrection here, not Uprising, just to be clear!), sometimes the ‘rip off’ is better than the ‘ripped off’.

As it is, Atlantic Rim: Resurrection, is far easier to recommend than the god-awful Uprising.


A huge fan of horror, Warhammer 40k, Folk Music, B Movies, gaming and Star Trek, so a massive geek really! I also have seven dogs, who I love to bits.