10 Avengers Age Of Ultron Trailer Hints (That Probably Aren't True)
6. The "No Strings" Speech
While the "no strings" speech that Ultron gives in the trailer appears to be in sync with scenes in the movie, the fact is that it probably isn't actually going to be in the movie at all. The give-away for this is that, in the trailer, Ultron starts the speech whilst in the Avengers headquarters in his dilapidated early form, but he appears to deliver the final line while in an upgraded form at the end of the trailer. That would be quite the long speech, if he started it at one end of the movie and finished it at the other. Essentially, it's probably nothing more than a voice over that was recorded for the trailer and it has probably just been dubbed over scenes from the movie. The likelihood is that we won't hear it in the finished product at all.