10 Avengers Age Of Ultron Trailer Hints (That Probably Aren't True)
4. A Banner/Romanoff Romance
The trailer shows a tender moment between the Hulk and Black Widow that seems to suggest a potential romantic relationship between the pair - something that has actually been rumoured to be the case for quite some time before the trailer leaked. However, we think that this is quite misleading for a number of reasons; first of all, it's probably just Black Widow bravely attempting to calm the Hulk down - and succeeding - when all else had failed. Second, the pair have never been romantically linked in the comic books, so it would seem somewhat random for the two to hook-up in the movies. Third, each character has already been romantically linked with other characters - Betty Ross in Hulk's case (who IS still out there, incidentally) and both Captain America and Hawkeye (albeit subtly in both cases) in the case of Black Widow - why, therefore, would Marvel further complicate things? Finally, a relationship occurring within the Avengers ranks seems unhealthy and would probably annoy a few people. As we say, we think this is just Black Widow believing that she is capable of getting through to the Hulk when he's angry and proving that to be the case in order to both test herself and keep the people around her safe.